Monday, September 1, 2008

Still waiting for transplant

I just wanted to say hello to everyone back home. I appreciate very much all the prayers, messages, cards, and calls that people have sent me the last few months. I miss Tennessee, and I am anxious to see everyone again. I have been in Pittsburgh for over 6 months now, and I heard that home is starting to look a lot different than it did in February because of all the new construction and developments that have been started. I even heard that the giant hill near Exit 407 where the new development is going to be built is nearly gone. I want to get back soon before the area is unrecognizable. lol

I have been doing well the last two months. On July 26, Loredana (Lori) and I got married at Highland Park in Pittsburgh. We are both doing well, and we have already completed the necessary applications for Lori's residency with the Citizenship and Immigration Services. My mom and dad, who are living in Pittsburgh with us, are both doing well too.

Since artificial stints were placed in my mesocaval shunt on June 30, my health has been good. I am able to do everyday tasks and also walk for exercise quite regularly. I have been very fortunate so far in that I do not have to use a feeding tube like many multivisceral organ transplant candidates, and I even look like a healthy person. If I am able to receive a transplant in the very near future, I have a great chance for it to be successful, and my post-transplant recovery time could be shortened. I am ready for this transplant, and I am determined to do everything that I can to make it a success.

I want to beg everyone of you who are not registered as organ donors to become an organ donor by visiting these websites: and ......... TODAY! After you do so, make your decision to become an organ donor 1) known and 2) crystal-clear to your closest relatives that this is your choice. If you are not a Tennessee resident, you can visit and click on your state of residence. This information was kindly provided by Lisa Clark of the Department of Safety/CC Liaison Tennessee Donor Services.

I hope that everyone is doing well, and I cannot wait to see everyone again. Take care and God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you are still doing so good. You look great and we are thankful for that.
Just wanted to let you know me and
four others in the office are official organ donors now.
Tell Lori hello and hope to see you both soon.
Tell mom hello and I love and miss you both.

September 3, 2008 at 2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, I know it has been a long time waiting for this transplant to occur. I feel that it is going to happen for you soon. Just want you to know that your are in my family's daily prayers and we are so here for you for anything you need. Hang in there John "Intestinal Fortitude"!

Always with you,
Pat and Family

September 3, 2008 at 4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so happy that you are doing so well! We miss you all very much! We pray for you every day and are always on our minds! We still wear our orange bracelets...we never take them off! We can't wait for all of you to get back home!!!

Love You!
Ronnie, Kerrie & D!

September 4, 2008 at 10:42 AM  
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